Funding space education
in the Netherlands and beyond
The SSPF provides financial support for advanced education in space-related subjects. Its statutory objective is to support space studies in and outside of the Netherlands and to do anything directly or indirectly related or beneficial to space studies, all in the broadest sense of the word.
Priority is given to its first target group – the Dutch space sector’s (young) professionals – although advanced (PhD, Master) students of space-related programs at Dutch education institutions are also eligible as a secondary target group. In principle, all applicants wishing to obtain funding for their space-related advanced academic program course will be considered by the SSPF, as long as they meet the program course’s criteria. In exceptional cases, requests by bachelor students will be taken into consideration. An interview may form part of the selection process. |
From 2019 onwards, provide (supplementary) program fee funding for applicants from both target groups to attend a Space Studies Program (SSP) or the Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program (SHSSP) by the International Space University (ISU), or other space-related, educational program in or outside of the Netherlands. |
SSPF is registered as a public benefit organization (ANBI in Dutch).
This status provides several tax advantages:
Click the button for the most recent annual statement (in Dutch):
Space Studies Program 2025The upcoming Space Studies Program will take placein the summer of 2025
from June 30 until August 22 in Seoul, South Korea. The deadline to apply for eligible financial support from SSPF is January 31, 2025.
The program has been developed by three of Europe's renowned business schools in collaboration with the European Space Agency. Through their expertise and experience, an effective learning program has been formed with a wide variety of learning activities.
Joana Carvalho Afonso (SSP18):
"We’re all citizens of planet Earth” was a beautiful sentence shared to ignite reflection amongst ourselves and foster team work. I understood it as a natural path to build the future(s) together." Read more experiences from previous SSP-participants here:
We want to help you boost your career
Are you considering applying to a space-related program?
Contact us for more information.
Contact us for more information.
Image credits: NASA (top)